Student Solution


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PBS God in America 6- Of God and Caesar_Introduction to Religion

PBS God in America 6- Of God and Caesar_Introduction to Religion

Q Here is the link to God in America #6- Of God and Caesar. Click here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to view the video. Reflect on "God in America", Episode Six- "Of God and Caesar" • Watch God in America, Episode Six, “Of God and Caesar” (about an hour). A link to the video is in this week's module. • Write one paragraph that summarizes the episode. What was its main point/s? What in the video supported that main point/s? • Write one paragraph that reflects on the episode. How did it connect to what you already knew? What questions did it raise? What did you learn? Of what value is what you learned?

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The crusade of being religiously awakened and aligned to the democratic ideals of a nation has always revolved around the existence of people of America, and amidst all the turmoil that had been affecting the people in the wake of the World War II and afterwards, there was this group of believers, the evangelical conservatives, who were sure that every solution to the troubles of the world lied in religion and true submission to Christ.